Primal Groudon is coming back to raids in Pokémon Go! This is one of the toughest raids around, but we here at iMore have everything you need to know to beat it and add this Legendary Pokémon to your team!
Who is Primal Groudon in Pokémon Go?

The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Ruby, Groudon is known as the Continent Pokémon because of the part it played in forming and expanding the continents in the Pokémon world. Using the legendary Red Orb, Groudon can undergo Primal Reversion to take a form more like it's prehistoric form and expand the land masses once more.
In Pokémon Go, Primal Groudon acts as a Mega Pokémon, providing a Mega Boost to all the other Pokémon on the field and a same type Mega Boost to Ground and Fire types. As one would expect of a Legendary, Primal Groudon outperforms every Ground and Fire Mega Pokémon by a considerable margin, so this is one Pokémon you will definitely want in your roster!
So be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you can be fully equipped for all those Primal Groudon raids!
Mega counters

There are a handful of options for Mega Evolution when countering Primal Groudon, focusing on its weaknesses: Fighting and Water; however, Water is a double weakness, so that should be your first choice.
Mega Swampert

Best of the best, the top damage dealer in this raid is Mega Swampert. As a Ground and Water type, it resists Fire type damage, but Grass type moves deal super effective damage. If you add Mega Swampert to your team, it should know Water Gun and Hydro Cannon.
Primal Kyogre

Close behind Mega Swampert is Primal Kyogre. Groudon's rival, Kyogre can also undergo Primal Reversion and provide a Mega Boost to all your Water type counters. As a pure Water type, Primal Kyogre also resists Fire type damage, while being weak to Grass type. Waterfall and Surf are the ideal moves for Primal Kyogre.
Mega Blastoise

Next up is Gen I's Mega Blastoise. It's another pure Water type, so it resists Fire type damage and is weak against with Water type. Its best moveset is Water Gun and Hydro Cannon.
Mega Gyarados

Mega Gyarados is another great option for this raid. It's a Water and Dark type, so it's also weak to Grass type damage and resistant to Fire type. If you're bringing Gyarados to this fight, it should know Waterfall and Aqua Tail.
Honorable mentions
While they will not perform as well, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon can also work for this raid:
- Mega Salamence with Dragon Tail and Hydro Pump
- Mega Slowbro with Water Gun and Surf
- Primal Groudon with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Mega Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Dragon Ascent
Top counters

Primal Groudon is a Ground and Fire type with access to Ground, Fire, Grass, and Dragon type moves. Its weaknesses include Water and and Ground type damage, but Water is a double weakness so you should focus on Water types for this raid.

As far as standard counters go, Kyogre is the top damage dealer in this raid. Groudon's rival is a pure Water type, meaning it resists Fire type moves, but is weak to Grass type damage. Fortunately, Kyogre has had many, many runs in raids, as well as a few other appearances in Pokémon Go, so most active players will have a few already. Waterfall and Surf is Kyogre's best moveset for this fight.

Even without Mega Evolution, the Water starter from Hoenn, Swampert is an excellent counter for Groudon. It's a Water and Ground type, so Grass type moves hit for super effective damage, while it resists Fire type damage. As a starter, Swampert has been available many, many times, including starring in Community Day, so you probably already have a few powered up. Water Gun and Hydro Cannon are the moves you'll want your Swampert to know.

Another great counter for Groudon is Gen I's Gyarados. It's a Water and Flying type, so it resists Ground and Fire type damage while having no weaknesses Groudon can exploit. Gyarados may be a little expensive to evolve, but having been in the game since day one, there's really no excuse for active players not to have it. Waterfall and Hydro Pump are the ideal moves for Gyarados in this fight.

Another Gen I classic, Kingler performs great in this raid. It's another pure Water type, so Grass type moves hit extra hard while it resists Fire type damage. Kingler has been in the game since day one and is cheap to evolve, so you probably have a few by now. The best moveset for Kingler is Bubble and Crabhammer.

Another Water starter, Feraligatr of the Johto region is next on our list. It's a super common Water type, so like most of our top counters, it resists Fire type while taking super effective damage from Grass. Water Gun and Hydro Cannon are Feraligatr's best moves here.

Another great counter in this raid is the Kalos native, Clawitzer. It's another pure Water type, so you'll want to be careful of Grass type moves. The Clawitzer line has been featured in a few events, so while it's not quite as common as some of the other top counters, most active players have had the chance to evolve it by now. Water Gun and Crabhammer are the best moves for Clawitzer here.

Originally encountered in the Alola region, Golisopod is next up on our list. As a Bug and Water type, Golisopod resists Ground type damage and has no weaknesses Groudon can exploit. Unfortunately, Golisopod is quite expensive to evolve and its first stage, Wimpod hasn't been featured as often as the other Pokémon on our list. Still, if you have it, your Golisopod should know Waterfall and Liquidation for this raid.

Gen V's Water starter, Samurott is another excellent choice for facing Primal Groudon. It's another pure Water type, so be wary of Grass type moves. The Samurott line has been featured in events, including Community Day, so there's a good chance you already have it powered up. Your Samurott should know Waterfall and Hydro Cannon for this fight.

Sinnoh's Water starter, Empoleon is another option for this raid. It's a Water and Steel type, so it resists Dragon type damage, but takes super effective damage from Ground type moves. Empoleon has also had the Community Day treatment so is readily accessible for most players. Waterfall and Hydro Cannon is the moveset you're looking for here.

Another great counter for Primal Groudon is the Legendary mascot of Pokémon Pearl, Palkia. This Dragon and Water type resists Fire type damage, but is weak to Dragon type moves. Palkia has only had a few full runs in raids, so it's a little less accessible than most of this list, but if you have it, it should know Dragon Tail and Aqua Tail.
Back up counters
Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:
- Primarina with Waterfall and Hydro Pump
- Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mew with Waterfall and Surf
- Greninja with Bubble and Surf
- Crawdaunt with Waterfall and Crabhammer
- Milotic with Waterfall and Surf
- Vaporeon with Water Gun and Aqua Tail
- Tapu Fini with Water Gun and Surf
- Pelipper with Water Gun and Weather Ball
- Salamence with Dragon Tail and Hydro Pump
- Crabominable with Bubble and Crabhammer
- Goodra with Water Gun and Muddy Water
- Floatzel with Waterfall and Liquidation
- Bruxish with Water Gun and Aqua Tail
- Sharpedo with Waterfall and Hydro Pump
- Slowking with Water Gun and Surf
- Slowbro with Water Gun and Surf
- Carracosta with Water Gun and Surf
- Regigigas with Hidden Power (Water) and Giga Impact
Shadow counters

The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this raid:
- Shadow Gyarados with Waterfall and Aqua Tail
- Shadow Swampert with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Shadow Feraligatr with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Shadow Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Hydro Pump
- Shadow Sharpedo with Waterfall and Hydro Pump
- Shadow Wailord with Water Gun and Surf
- Shadow Politoed with Bubble and Weather Ball
- Shadow Omastar with Water Gun and Hydro Pump
- Shadow Slowking with Water Gun and Surf
- Shadow Slowbro with Water Gun and Surf
- Shadow Lapras with Water Gun and Surf
Note: Shadow Gyarados, Shadow Swampert, and Shadow Feraligatr outperform all of the top counters. Shadow Blastoise, Shadow Salamence, and Shadow Sharpedo also perfom on par with top counters.
More details

Like Mega Raids, you're going to want to prioritize beating Primal Groudon as fast as possible to maximize the amount of Primal Energy you can earn. However, this is a pretty tough raid. Top level players with the best counters will want at least four party members and lower level players will want at least six.
Weather conditions that can impact this raid include:
- Sunny/Clear Weather will boost Groudon's Fire, Grass, and Ground type moves, as well as the rare Ground type counters
- Wind will boost its Dragon type move
- Rain will boost your Water type counters
Don't miss your chance to catch Primal Groudon in Pokémon Go!
Primal Groudon will only be back in raids for a limited time, so don't miss your chance to battle and capture this Legendary Pokémon! And be sure to check out the rest of our Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!