The animated series Pokémon Horizons: The Series is all set to be released to different countries and regions this March. In celebration of this newest milestone, an event is being launched in Pokémon GO which runs from March 5 to March 11. During the event, trainers get the chance to meet a Pikachu wearing Cap's hat with those lucky enough getting to encounter a Shiny version.
There are also new Pokémon making their debut in the game. These are Pokémon first discovered in the Paldea region which include:
- Charcadet^
- Armarouge
- Ceruledge
For this event, trainers get to enjoy 2× XP for hatching Pokémon as one of the bonuses. In addition, Team GO Rocket balloons appear more frequently.
During the event, trainers can take on these activities:
- Charcadet hatches from 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km Eggs.
- After the event ends, Charcadet may hatch from 10 km Eggs.
- Trainers can also hatch the usual Pokémon available in those Eggs for this Season.
- These Pokémon appear more frequently in the wild:
- Scyther
- Nosepass
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Pawmi
- Some Trainers might even encounter these:
- Pikachu wearing Cap's hat
- Alolan Grimer
- Beldum
- These Pokémon appear in raids.
- One-Star Raids
- Pikachu wearing Cap's hat
- Rhyhorn
- Rockruff
- Three-Star Raids
- Chansey
- Noctowl
- Metagross
- These Pokémon are available to encounter after completing Field Research tasks:
- Pikachu wearing Cap's hat
- Golduck
- Skarmory
- Rockruff
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Trainers might have a surprise encounter with characters and Pokémon seen in Pokémon Horizons: The Series when they take a snapshot during the event.
Aside from the event, an Ultra Legend Box is going to be offered for $14.99. This bundle features three Remote Raid Passes, ten Premium Battle Passes, and ten Incubators. It's available on the Pokémon GO Web Store between March 1 to March 11.
Community Days
A while back Niantic revealed the schedule for next Season's Community Days. These are:
- Saturday, March 16
- Sunday, April 7 (Community Day Classic)
- Saturday, April 20
- Sunday, May 19
In addition to Community Days, there are also in-game events being planned for the coming Season. The schedules are:
- Sunday, March 3
- Saturday, April 13
- Sunday, April 28
- Saturday May 11
Pokémon GO is available to download free on mobile platforms through Android and iOS.