We can’t live without the industrious insects that pollinate our crops and support our ecosystem. Many of their populations are in decline, but you can help by creating a haven of nectar and nesting sites on your land this planting season.
Pollinators are essential to our ecosystem and economy. They pollinate our wild trees and wildflowers, which support insects and, in turn, everything further up the food chain. They pollinate our food crops too, contributing the equivalent of over £500 million a year to UK agriculture and food production by improving crop quality and quantity. Bees alone are responsible for a staggering 90% of the world's pollination. That includes around 70 British food crops like broccoli, carrots, parsnips, apples, raspberries and tomatoes. Without our bees, this service would cost the UK an estimated £1.8bn a year.
We have over 1,500 species of insect pollinators in the UK, including bees, moths, butterflies, beetles and hoverflies. But they’re in trouble. Faced with climate change, habitat loss, invasive species and other threats, this group of species show an average decrease in distribution of 18% since 1970 and too many face extinction, including 35 of our bee species. But you can make a difference.
Give struggling wildlife a helping hand
Choosing flowers for their pollen and nectar value is increasingly popular, but when it comes to impact and maintenance, trees are hard to beat. They offer vital food and shelter on a much bigger scale and rather than needing to continually deadhead and replant every year, their bounty simply increases as they mature through each growing season.
Trees offer nectar, pollen and nesting sites for our crucial pollinators all year round, as well as cleaning the air, capturing carbon, reducing flooding and improving wellbeing. Considering their vast benefits, they’re incredible value for money – and the Woodland Trust’s subsidised tree packs offer even more bang for your buck. Available online from October to March - the main tree planting season - these packs are a great opportunity to transform your land for people and nature. The subsidy means you’ll pay as little as 43p per tree and delivery is free too.
The Plant for Pollinators pack has been tailored to provide nectar and nesting sites all year round and will bring beauty to your space as well as bountiful buzzing. Tree flowers in different seasons offer vital food, from the early flowers of hazel in January and March’s delicate blackthorn blossom to Rowan’s frothy cream May flowers and the large pink summer blooms of dog rose. The leaves of each species offer food for a plethora of moth caterpillars too, which go on to pollinate some of our favourite fruit and veg, including peas, strawberries and radishes.
Start your tree planting journey today
Plant more for less with the Trust’s subsidised tree packs. Native mixes make it easy and affordable to create green spaces that are good for people, wildlife and the environment. All sourced and grown in the UK and Ireland, our Plant for Pollinators pack contains 210 trees: 40 hawthorn, 30 blackthorn, 30 crab apple, 30 goat willow, 30 rowan, 30 hazel and 20 dog rose. Prices start from just £92.
Other packs are also available to suit different spaces and purposes, from helping vulnerable species to greening urban communities.
The Woodland Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales number 94344 and in Scotland number SC038885. A non-profit making company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 1982873.
Registered Office: Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL. The Woodland Trust logo is a registered trademark.