Refugees and the homeless could be put up on cruise ships as part of one council’s bid to tackle an ongoing housing crisis.
High demand for public housing for people seeking refuge from Ukraine and elsewhere or those without a roof over their head has left a need for “radical measures”, councillors said.
They argue that since the pandemic has reduced demand for cruises, many boats are being scrapped that could otherwise be put to good use.
Members of Torridge District Council in Devon voted overwhelmingly to back a motion investigating the idea proposed by Labour Cllr David Brenton.
Cllr Brenton noted the Scottish Government had used similar tactics to house Ukrainian refugees since the Russian invasion.
He also highlighted Torridge was in a uniquely advantageous position as the council owned the district’s middle dock.
In the motion, he suggested the council joined forces with neighbouring authorities with a view to renting a vessel “to accommodate emergency or other housing list people”.
He added: “Cruise ships have a high standard of habitation and self-contained servicing and a suitable craft which would fit into Middle Dock could provide a quick solution for some of our desperate citizens needing housing.”
Speaking at the meeting, he added: “We live in radical times which call for radical measures to alleviate them. We do need to look at what’s coming our way and it’s about to hit the fan.”
But he conceded: “This clearly needs a lot of work to be done alongside this.”
Cllr Rachel Clarke, an independent, was quick to point out potential pitfalls.

She said: “The idea in principle is very good. My concern is that when you put lots of people in tight accommodation like that, you’ve got to think of diseases and illnesses which could happen.
“Do we have the right infrastructure for doctors and nurses which we have a major problem with?
“It needs a lot of work... as there are other things, such as alcohol or drug issues. It’s not an easy fix. We’ve just got to think it through properly.”
Green Party Cllr Peter Christie said despite initially thinking the idea was “slightly crackers”, it was worth exploring.
He added: “I used to be in the merchant navy, and the big problem with ships is maintenance. It could be an ongoing cost that is so high it would rule it out, but by all means let’s look at it.”