If you've got a bed bug problem, you'll want to get rid of them as soon as you possibly can as nobody wants to deal with itchy bites - but they can be a bit irritating to banish due to their nocturnal nature.
Bed bugs only come out at night to feed, which makes them tricky to spot, and therefore tough to get rid of.
But one expert has shared that the key is to "clean the places where they reside" so they can be removed once and for all.
Jordan Foster of Fantastic Pest Control shared his tips to rid your home of bed bugs - and it can be made so simple.

The first step you need to complete is washing everything in the bedroom that may have been infested by bed bugs.
"Wash bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water, and dry them on the highest setting", Jordan suggested.
"Bed bugs are most effectively eliminated with heat treatment. Heat (above 56C) destroys bed bugs at all stages of life, even their eggs. Moreover, it is more time-efficient than chemical treatments."
You also need to take a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to get rid of any other bed bugs, and their eggs, as this is a common place for them to hide in.
Vacuuming regularly is also recommended to get rid of the pests.
And make sure you put all the rubbish in the outdoor bin so there's no risk of them escaping.
Bed bugs can also shockingly hide in any crack or under peeling wallpaper so make sure walls are repaired, and clear clutter around the bed area to give bed bugs fewer spots to hide under.
Minimise your risks of an infestation by regularly vacuuming your house and washing your bedding regularly, ideally at least once a week.
Have you got any cleaning tips? Email: danielle.wroe@reachplc.com