Parking bays controversially installed in a Wishaw street were given the green light following a complaint about dog fouling.
Clare Adamson MSP contacted North Lanarkshire Council after Coltness community council received an “unacceptable” explanation from the local authority for their decision to install parking bays in Newark Drive.
John Carr, the chairman of the community council, claimed the bays in the street where he lives were “unnecessary” and a “waste of money”. He added that additional bays are needed in a number of other streets in the area and that the community council has been trying hard for a considerable time to have the work done elsewhere.
He contacted Ms Adamson about the matter and challenged the local authority’s decision making.
Stephen Llewellyn, head of housing solutions at the local authority, responded to the Motherwell and Wishaw MSP outlining that a council tenant living in the street had approached the road support team about dog fouling at the spot, as well as a lack of parking. He stated that the support team passed the matter to the housing solutions service.
It’s claimed officers investigated and determined the dog fouling issue could have an impact on the maintenance and service costs of the grassed area, as well as prevent children playing there, and a decision was made to change the grassed area to parking bays as an “estate based initiative”.
The community council also lodged an FOI (Freedom of Information) request calling for documentation for the work in Newark Drive to be made available, after claiming they were being denied access to it. But the response to the FOI has left John dumbfounded.
He said: “I actually work for the council, cutting the grass in this street, and I’d previously heard that the issue might have been kids playing football there.
“It all seems a bit contradictory, there was no mention of the dog fouling at first.
“So, if one person complains about dog fouling from here on in that’s it, they’re going to put a lay-by in?
“I said to Des Murray (council chief executive) that if this is now the approach there will soon be no grass left in North Lanarkshire.
“We’ve been passed from pillar to post with this and no one would take responsibility. The council also claims they will make a saving by now not having to maintain the grass. How long is it going to take to show a saving? It is totally bizarre.
“I really don’t know what’s gone on but it’s certainly not down to the amount of motors in the street.”
John also highlighted that the work was undertaken at a time when the council are cutting back on other services in a bid to save money.
“There’s nothing in the FOI reply, it basically says there is no information available, no paperwork,” he continued. “No one will answer my calls now. How can there be no information on this?
"Who put the complaint in, who priced the job, something must be on the system but according to them there is nothing. Surely there must be some sort of paper trail but they said there’s nothing! It’s totally unacceptable.”
Clare Adamson MSP said: “I previously contacted the local authority after some residents raised concerns about the location of the new parking bays.
“This is a matter for the local authority but it is clear that parking in the area has been an issue for residents.
“Though this change must be considered with the impact on play space for local kids.
“So, I would encourage the local authority to engage with Coltness community council. Work has already taken place in this instance but consultative and transparent decision-making is key.
“The community council is well placed to inform on local views and partnership working is essential to making a success of infrastructure changes.”
A spokesperson for North Lanarkshire Council said: “The work was carried out as part of environmental improvements in the wider Coltness area through our Estate Based Initiative, to increase local parking, address concerns about dog fouling and improve maintenance of the public areas.”
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