And other stories from the stranger side of life
Medical experts have criticised a new trend on TikTok, in which parents crack an egg on a young child’s head. The videos, many of which use the hashtag #eggprank, have caused some children to cry or be left “looking upset and stunned”, said Sky News. Dr Meghan Martin, a paediatric emergency medical consultant at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Florida, said she is “not a big fan of this at all” because “we’re literally smacking salmonella on their foreheads”.
Man wins fermented fish gong
A Swedish man won a Guinness World Record by eating 13.85 ounces of fermented fish in one minute, reported UPI. A speed eating contest was arranged by the Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö, including an eating competition for surströmming, a traditional Swedish delicacy consisting of fermented herring that has been salted just enough to prevent it from rotting. “The biggest part of the challenge” was “to not vomit”, said a spokesperson.
Car bought for £1 to go for £1m
A rare classic Jaguar bought for just £1 is set to sell for over £1m. The car, which was “plucked from a barn in Worcestershire and meticulously restored to its former glory”, goes for auction next month, said The Telegraph. Explaining why he is parting with it, the seller said that “as I get older, getting in and out of the car is not as easy as it was, so it is better I part with it now, while I can still get in and out of it”.
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