Striking doctors joining nurses, paramedics and ambulance crews on picket lines would be another body blow for patients in a worsening NHS dispute.
Junior doctors contribute far more than their training title suggests, forming a backbone in the health service.
That huge numbers are thinking of quitting or actively looking for other jobs after the expense of years of training is also a brain drain the NHS cannot afford.
With opinion polls finding the public blame Tory ministers for the wave of strikes in the NHS, rail industry, airports and elsewhere, opening pay negotiations rather than stubbornly refusing to talk would be politically smart and benefit the nation.
That pig-headed Tories instead dig in is another sign they’ve lost their way and remain out of touch. Driving junior doctors to strike alongside nurses and ambulance crews would hammer another nail in the party’s coffin.
That’s a bit rich
Politicans deserve to be judged by what they do in power. Tory austerity Chancellor George Osborne was a cruel rich kid who relished hammering Britain’s poorest families, including their children.
Which is why we take with a large pinch of salt his apparent conversion to giving free meals to more kids from poor households.
If it is genuine, let the heir to a fortune apologise for welfare cuts, two-kid limits, the bedroom tax and every horror he inflicted on those less fortunate. And for adding insult to injury by smearing them as workshy.
Otherwise the suspicion will fester that Osborne is smugly rewriting history to rebrand himself as a compassionate Conservative.
Matt’s finished
Matt Hancock hasn’t enjoyed even the 15 minutes of fame assigned to everybody by artist Andy Warhol.
Dropping his search for an agent, camel penis eater Hancock is discovering you sometimes need to have talent to achieve fame.