We are a party of 10 who have booked a ski holiday at the end of February. At the time of booking we were told that free drinks were included with evening meals at our hotel and this was key when choosing the best deal.
However, we have now been informed that the hotel has withdrawn the offer. It has offered around £35 compensation per person.
Is it allowed to change a package like this after selling it to us? NJ, by email
Interesting question – the package travel regulations state that if there are significant alterations to “essential” terms of your package, the travel organiser must allow you to withdraw from the contract without penalty, or to accept the alterations.
In general, “essential” terms include price, the precise type and nature of the accommodation, and the place and time of departure/destination.
Given that you said the free drinks were a key consideration, and not having them could have a big effect on the price of your holiday, you could argue it was an “essential” term.
If you don’t consider the £35 to be sufficient you are within your rights to cancel without penalty. Ski companies are going to face a tough time this winter given the plunge in the pound, so they will likely be keen to negotiate an outcome that retains your booking – this is probably the way to go.
We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at consumer.champions@theguardian.com or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number