Is there a free delivery code for & Other Stories?
Currently, & Other Stories only offers free delivery on orders of £80 or more. If there is a free delivery code in the future, we’ll list it right here. Be sure to sign up for the & Other Stories newsletter to be kept updated on promotions.
Can I get a first-order discount at & Other Stories?
Get 10% off your first order at & Other Stories by signing up for their newsletter. Simply go to the brand’s website, click ‘sign up for our newsletter’ from the top bar, and type your email address. You can also click our relevant code from this page.
Does & Other Stories have student discount?
Yes, students can enjoy 10% off all purchases from & Other Stories. You can verify your student status on the & Other Stories website via GoCertify. Alternatively, you can log into Student Beans or UNiDAYS.
Is there a sale section at & Other Stories?
Yes, there is a dedicated ‘last chance’ sale section. You can shop this section for end-of-season stock all year round, with items added as the brand readies for its newer collections. We’ve previously seen discounts of up to 50% off with this sale section.
What is the returns policy at & Other Stories?
& Other Stories has a 30-day returns policy should you wish to return your order. You can return your item online or in-store with your delivery note or E-receipt. Online returns will cost £3 and this will be deducted from your refund total. Your items should be clean, unworn, and with any tags attached. Any shoes should be returned with their original shoe boxes.
Hints & Tips
Mark the sales: Make a note of the highly-coveted Black Friday sales at & Other Stories. Last year, our savings editors noted discounts of 20% off on everything sitewide. As & Other Stories does not usually have sitewide sales, this is a smart time to shop its elevated collections.
Newsletter discounts: Sign up for the & Other Stories newsletter to get 10% off your first purchase. This is one of our favourite ways to save as it gives a strong discount and only asks for an email in return. Whether you’re shopping for on-trend shoes or the perfect dress, you can save on your order. Simply go to the & Other Stories website and click ‘sign up for our newsletter & get 10% off’ from the top bar.
Last Chance tab: When browsing the ‘last chance’ sale, our savings experts recommend sorting results. You can sort your results by ‘lowest price’ or ‘best match’ to get the most from the sale. Our team has previously noted prices such as £11 for organic cotton tees.
Stay social: Follow & Other Stories on its social media platforms, such as Instagram. You’ll then be kept updated on the newest stores and latest promotions. In the past, the brand has held social media competitions such as ‘The Style Game’ encouraging shoppers to comment for a board game prize. We’ve also noted posts with gift-wrapping services during seasonal times at certain stores.
How to use your & Other Stories discount code
- Look through our & Other Stories discount codes and choose one best suited to your order.
- Go to the & Other Stories website and add your favourite items to your shopping bag.
- Click the shopping bag icon in the right-hand corner or ‘checkout’ to go to the checkout page.
- Select the ‘Add a discount code’ text underneath the order summary.
- Paste your & Other Stories discount code into the box.
- Click ‘Add discount’ and watch your total change.
How do we source promo codes and deals?
We have an experienced team of 5 deal experts based in our offices in Cardiff and London, who are dedicated to finding promo codes, deals and sale highlights for Marie Claire vouchers.
Our London team keep in touch with retailers directly to get a heads up on upcoming discount codes as well as negotiate exclusive promo codes that you won’t find anywhere else. Meanwhile, our Cardiff team partners with affiliate networks and research the web to source the latest discount codes, and put them right here on our dedicated retailer pages. The offers we show you are updated at least twice a week.
To top it off, we have a Bath-based team of editors that have a background in saving money on fashion and beauty products. Using their experience and knowledge of the industry, our editors seek to offer additional ways to save at the retailer outside of using a promo code. Our FAQs and money-saving tips about each retailer are fact-checked and updated every three months.
What if my promo code doesn’t work?
We try hard to avoid listing promo codes that don’t work. To do this we:
- Test the promo codes ourselves to make sure they’re valid.
- We don’t list unique codes that only work once.
- We give as much information as we can to avoid any terms and conditions trickery.
However, sometimes details change or codes expire without us knowing. If you find this to be the case, you can get in touch by emailing vouchers.marieclaire@futurenet.com and letting us know.
How do we make money?
It’s simple, we get a small percentage of the money that you spend with a brand or retailer - a commission. When you use deals and promo codes listed here at Marie Claire vouchers, we get a small share of the retailer's profit as thanks for helping them connect with a new customer. And that’s how we make money while you save money.