Nasa’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed that a distant exoplanet could have ‘signs of life’.
The space agency says that carbon dioxide and methane have been detected in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18 b - which is more than eight times the size of Earth.
They also hinted at an even more remarkable possibility in the potential finding of a molecule called dimethyl sulfide, which is only produced by life on Earth.
Invasive red fire ants with painful bites have been spotted in Europe.
Native to South America, the species can spread alarmingly quickly, and scientists from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Spain, warn they could soon be all over the continent after being detected in Italy.
A Loughborough University student’s device detects rugby concussions in just 10 seconds. Joel Poulter, designed the handheld device to provide objective, rapid assessments of players which can help prioritise safety.
And the rest
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