AVT Question: Please share insight and best practices for planning to integrate the next-gen streaming media ecosystem.
Thought Leader: John Henkel, Director of SMB Product Marketing at NETGEAR
Streaming media has revolutionized the way we consume content, and it’s all thanks to a diverse ecosystem. This ecosystem is made up of a variety of technologies and devices that work together to provide high-quality audio and video content to users across the world. Sound familiar? It’s the same as AV over IP—multicasting (streaming) audio and video over a network.
As the streaming ecosystem continues to evolve and leverage new technologies, it’s important to partner with companies that keep up with the changes and can help you along the way." —John Henkel, Director of SMB Product Marketing at NETGEAR
As with AV over IP, the key consideration for streaming media environments is the network. And what is the key piece of equipment in a network? The switch. So, in setting up a streaming environment, you need to start with the topology of your system and determine the best way to set up the network. For many AV people, and I think especially for many new to the streaming world as well, networks can be very daunting. However, they don’t have to be.
NETGEAR has created AV-centric switches for any type of AV-over-IP and streaming environment. From a single studio to dozens with tons of IP-based AV equipment, ensuring that the switch is setup properly is critical. Having profiles for major types of streaming technologies—like NDI, for example—guarantees the switch will be set up correctly, your installation will be a success, and you’ll spend less time configuring the switch.
As the streaming ecosystem continues to evolve and leverage new technologies, it’s important to partner with companies that keep up with the changes and can help you along the way. Standard networking tech support won’t know about the types of AV equipment you are using and how best to set up your network. That’s why NETGEAR offers free network design help from a simple email address: proavdesign@netgear.com. This worldwide group of AV-trained system engineers will help you choose the right switch(es), design your network, and troubleshoot any issues that might arise. Now you don’t have to figure it out all on your own.