“The pressure of [Genaro] not only being the primary caretaker of the children, but also filling in Wilde’s absence for the children, became debilitating,” the papers read.
“As parents, it is incredibly upsetting to learn that a former nanny of our two young children would choose to make such false and scurrilous accusations about us publicly,” it said.
“Her now 18 month long campaign of harassing us, as well as loved ones, close friends and colleagues, has reached its unfortunate apex.
“We will continue to focus on raising and protecting our children with the sincere hope that she will now choose to leave our family alone.”
If you’re wondering what that’s referring to, Genaro gave a lengthy interview to the Daily Mail last year about Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis’ private affairs. The spiciest elements were her claims that Sudeikis once laid in front of Wilde’s car to prevent her from seeing Harry Styles, that Styles and Florence Pugh were rooting while she was still dating Zach Graff, and that Wilde would arrive home after time spent with Styles only to assure Sudeikis she still loved him. The nanny even shared texts from Sudeikis and claimed he said Wilde was “addicted” to Styles like he was “crack”, claiming she wasn’t living in reality. The whole thing definitely painted Wilde as some selfish, out-of-touch, fame-hungry woman and Sudeikis as a heart-broken mess of a man. She also claimed Sudeikis fired her while in a drunken rage after she had been away for a weekend. Yes, the whole thing is messy as fuck. And if the other articles were anything to go by, this could potentially get even messier.The post Oliva Wilde & Jason Sudeikis’ Former Nanny Is Now Suing *Them* Over Discrimination Claims appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .