A convicted terror advocate who referred to the Christchurch mass murderer as a 'hero' and a 'saint' has claimed a proposal to monitor his activities in the community after being released from jail was unnecessary.
In a Federal Court hearing on Tuesday, lawyers for Tyler Slavko Jakovac argued that proposed control orders sought by the Australian Federal Police were not required because the 20-year-old now no longer had extreme right-wing views.
Jakovac had spent time in the community since July 25 without committing any further offences, had a stable environment where he lived at home with his mother, and had found work as a chef in a position he was very proud of, barrister Chris O'Donnell SC said.
"If that already exists why then the need for control orders ... when this positive trajectory of his re-engagement with society and the community is in place?" the barrister asked Justice Robert Bromwich.
The extreme posts were not made because of racism, but because Jakovac felt isolated and wanted to fit in with a particular community, Mr O'Connell said.
The Albury man had also rejected advances made by right-wing extremists, including a letter sent to him while in prison, and felt ashamed of his prior posts, the court heard.
The AFP's barrister Trent Glover argued that restrictions on Jakovac's online activities were required because the Albury man was vulnerable and could be re-radicalised.
"That (vulnerability) in this case enlarges the risk that absent controls, particularly relating to his activities online he may start to become either radicalised again or the feelings that he has so far at least repressed or changed will return," Mr Glover said.
Justice Bromwich noted that restrictions on online use had been effective in helping others avoid being drawn back into the world of extreme right-wing views.
"(These controls) seem to have been affective in dealing with this whole online world. I mean the internet's a very mixed blessing when it comes to young people," the judge said.
"It doesn't help them that you've got people like the former president of the United States behaving like a juvenile."
Controls include that Jakovac will be required to use a laptop or tablet approved by the AFP, be restrained from communicating with certain individuals online, and will need to get police permission to play certain video games.
No curfew or restriction on his employment has been proposed, with Mr Glover saying it was commendable Jakovac had found new employment since release as a chef.
At Parramatta District Court in July this year, Jakovac was sentenced to one year and six months in jail after pleading guilty to one count of intentionally advocating the doing of a terrorist act.
In an interview with NSW correctional services, Jakovac claimed he had been radicalised since he was 15 years old.
Already spending time in custody since his arrest on December 9, 2020, he was immediately released after serving the full prison sentence imposed.
Justice Robert Bromwich will decide whether any control orders are required later on Tuesday.