NSW beekeepers who have been battling the deadly varroa mite can look forward to financial relief from the state government.
Agriculture Minister Dugald Saunders said beekeepers who have had their hives, honey or equipment destroyed to control the spread of the parasite will be eligible for reimbursement from Friday.
"Beekeepers have been at the centre of our emergency response since varroa mite was confirmed through routine surveillance in sentinel hives near the port of Newcastle in late June," Mr Saunders said.
Earlier this week, the 50-kilometre notification zones - situated outside the emergency surveillance and eradication zones - were lifted giving cause for optimism the pest can be contained.
"Beekeepers have been through some really difficult times in the past few months in the fight to eradicate varroa, and this funding will help them get back on their feet and start to plan for the future."
The estimated market value for commercial beekeepers will be based on, but not limited to, particular hives and honey stocks. Recreational beekeepers will receive a $550 payment for each hive destroyed.
Over 5740 hives have been euthanised to date, and surveillance and testing has been carried out on nearly 27,000 hives statewide.