Sex, a thought-provoking film directed by Dag Johan Haugerud, has been awarded the prestigious Europa Cinemas Label for best European film in the Panorama section of the 2024 Berlin Film Festival. The movie stars Jan Gunnar Røise and Thorbjørn Harr as two married chimney sweeps who begin to question their fixed gender identities.
Receiving critical acclaim at the Berlin Film Festival, Sex has been praised for its gentle subversiveness and exploration of male character dynamics. The Hollywood Reporter drew parallels between Sex and Joachim Trier's innovative take on romantic comedies in The Worst Person in the World.
The Europa Cinemas jury commended Sex for its fresh and original approach, describing it as engaging and thought-provoking. The film's open discussions about relationships are expected to resonate with audiences across Europe, captivating them from the opening scene and leaving a lasting impact.
In addition to winning the Europa Cinemas Label, Sex will benefit from promotional support for its release in arthouse cinemas across Europe. Europa Cinemas has a history of recognizing breakout films, with previous winners like The Teachers' Lounge and The Broken Circle Breakdown going on to receive critical acclaim and awards.
Sex marks the beginning of a planned trilogy by director Dag Johan Haugerud, exploring themes of sex, dreams, and love. Produced by Motlys and Viaplay Group, the film is set to captivate audiences with its compelling storytelling and excellent cinematography.