Just in case you had an ounce of doubt left about whether or not Sony's announcing the PS5 Pro tomorrow, whoever's managing the PlayStation YouTube channel has seemingly let the cat all the way out of the bag with a video simply titled 'PS5 Pro.'
You can still go see that unlisted YouTube video - it's just a brief stinger for the upcoming PS5 presentation with a note that "the journey continues" - but it's now been retitled 'PlayStation 5 Technical Presentation.' The original title of 'PS5 Pro' was quickly captured on social media and the Wayback Machine archive, because nothing can slip by the internet's attention. Somebody at PlayStation has clearly learned the difference between unlisted and truly private YouTube videos today.
an unlisted YouTube video confirms it's PS5 Pro (duh) https://t.co/TkuEPocXcW https://t.co/aCh54rS5xP pic.twitter.com/E8R50AZf1NSeptember 9, 2024
Of course, it's not like there was any real question about what Sony's unveiling here. There's been so much smoke around the PS5 Pro that it's impossible to ignore the idea that there's fire behind those rumors, and Sony itself has gotten into the act itself by teasing a new PS5 design in a 30th anniversary image for the brand. Announcing a tech presentation hosted by lead PS5 architect Mark Cerny amid all this? Well, if Sony isn't announcing the PS5 Pro, it sure has found an efficient way to profoundly disappoint the entire gaming community.
Personally, I'll be glad when all these rumors and speculation are done for so we can get to the real meat of why the PS5 Pro should exist: to let us all go full armchair CEO as we debate the value of its features and price.