If you skipped out on No Man's Sky this year then now's your chance to jump back in and see all the goodness they rolled out, as developers Hello Games are taking the holiday season to replay all the expedition events and offer up their rewards. There's even a return of a 2021 expedition, complete with limited-edition golden starship to claim.
December 8-15 will see the return of Utopia, where you can rebuild an abandoned colony for the mysterious utopia foundation. Dec 15-22 is Singularity, the precursor to the Echoes update, where you'll delve into a mystery that touches on the concept of artificial intelligence and the nature of living.
December 22-29th is the return of Cartographers, the "community favourite" update from 2021, that has you stranded on the planet Coul Major and trying to repair your starship. Finally, the Voyagers expedition will replay from Dec 29 to Jan 8, having you search out unique and remarkable places on a variety of worlds from their ocean beds to mountaintops, cataloguing your findings along the way.
No Man's Sky has had a pretty big year, down to adding a robotic species in its Echoes update. The Autophage, as they're known, are mysterious traveling robots that players can now get to know, learn crafts from, and eventually become.
In case you missed it, Hello Games also announced their next game: Light No Fire, a cooperative fantasy epic set in an open world that's the actual size of a real world. One very, very large procedurally generated open world for everyone to faff about and do open world stuff in. The announcement is, of course, not without characteristically absurd overstatements like "the first real open world."
You can read more about Light No Fire's announcement here on PC Gamer.
(Nice spot by the way, Eurogamer.)