New cameras will be placed in nine Liverpool locations to catch drivers making illegal manoeuvres and traffic breaches.,
First revealed last month, plans are set to move forward this week that will effectively ban vehicles from performing U-turns and other actions on the nine city roads as part of a clamp down on what the council is calling "moving traffic breaches." It is hoped the new rules will reduce congestion and improve air quality and road safety.
As well as U-turns, the other "moving breaches" include driving through no entry signs and entering a yellow box junction when the exit is not clear. New cameras will be put in place to ensure these breaches are picked up.
READ MORE: Police close roads after crashes in bad weather conditions
Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act (2004) allows local authorities to penalise poor driving habits which currently, under criminal law, can only be enforced by the police. Liverpool City Council is planning to acquire these new powers for outside of London from the Department of Transport (DfT) and wants to hear views from local residents, businesses and interested parties.
These new powers would allow the city council to tackle unlawful and dangerous driving behaviour. The council believes the new rules will also complement changes to key parts of the city’s highways networks such as the upgrade of The Strand and Lime Street, and the increasing number of cycle lanes being introduced across the city.
As part of their duties, the council would undertake the enforcement using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. However, following DfT guidelines, if approved and adopted there will be a six-month warning notice period where no fines will be issued for first-time offenders.
Examples of the type of moving traffic offences that can be enforced under the new powers include:
- Undertaking banned turns
- Driving through a ‘No Entry’ sign
- Driving in a route permitted for buses and taxis only
- Driving through a school street, pedestrian and cycle zone
- Entering a yellow box junction when the exit is not clear
If granted these powers, the council would initially undertake enforcement at the following nine locations around the city:
1 . New Quay/George’s Dock Gates/St Nicholas Place/Chapel Street northbound – Yellow box junction
2 . New Quay/George’s Dock Gates/St Nicholas Place/Chapel Street southbound – Yellow box junction
3 . St Anne Street outside Liverpool Community Fire Station - Yellow box junction
4 . Whitechapel/Hood Street/Crosshall Street – Yellow box junction
5 . Watergate Lane at Much Woolton Catholic School – School street
6 . Arlington Avenue - Greenbank Primary School – School street
7 . Lime Street – Bus-only link ( Note : Lime Street ETRO consultation is also currently live )
8 . Copperas Hill – Left turn into Ranelagh Place
9 . Ranelagh Place – Banned u-turn
Councillor Dan Barrington, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, said: “Improving road safety is a huge priority for the city council and adopting this legislation will give us the powers to further improve standards at key pinch points across the city.
“These new enforcement powers would have a significant impact on the council’s ability to help reduce congestion, improve air quality and road safety, and encourage sustainable travel.
“I’m pleased we’re now at the point of asking the public for their feedback and we look forward to hearing their views throughout the consultation.”
A public consultation for the proposed camera enforcement locations began on November 7 and will conclude on December 19. On Friday, the council's cabinet will be asked to grant authority to the chief executive to consider the results of the consultation and., if appropriate, submit an application to the Department of Transport for approval of the use of the civil enforcement powers in respect of traffic violations at the junctions listed.
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