We are just four days away from Super Tuesday when GOP voters in 15 states will pick a nominee. The last person standing in the race against Donald Trump is Nikki Haley. Despite not winning a contest yet, she announced today that she raised an impressive $12 million in February.
Donald Trump is currently facing legal challenges, with one federal case in Florida and another related to the events of January 6th. The Supreme Court has announced that it will hear arguments in April regarding Trump's push for immunity. This could potentially delay the trial until right before, during, or even after the election.
When asked about expediting the process, Governor Haley expressed her belief that the Supreme Court should clarify the issue of presidential immunity, emphasizing that no president should be above the law. While she acknowledged the desire for a quicker resolution, she highlighted the importance of the Supreme Court's involvement in providing clarity on this matter.
Regarding the impact on voters, Governor Haley stressed the significance of voters having access to information about the candidates before heading to the polls. She noted that transparency and clarity on legal matters involving presidential candidates are crucial for an informed electorate.
As the election draws near, the legal proceedings involving Donald Trump could play a significant role in shaping voter perceptions. The Supreme Court's decision on the issue of immunity may have far-reaching implications for the election and the future of presidential accountability.