A 28-year-old man, who got married recently, drowned in the Kuttiyadi river on Monday. The police identified the victim as Rajil, a resident of Kozhikode’s Paleri village.
The incident took place near the Janakikad ecotourism spot where the couple posed for a post-wedding photo shoot on Sunday.
Rajil’s wife had a narrow escape with the intervention of local rescue operators. It was on March 14 that the two got married.
According to police sources, Rajil and relatives, who were present along with them near the river, were not trained in swimming. Though the couple was rushed to the Perambra Government Hospital, Rajil died on the way, they said.
A Fire and Rescue Services Department officer said the man met with the incident at one of the dangerous stretches of the river. There were many similar incidents in which the victims, who ignored the safety measures, had a very narrow escape, he said.