A new Skyrim mod adds a touch of “unbalanced horror” to the classic RPG with the Grimace milkshake, a mysterious purple concoction whose function remains unknown outside the small group of fans who’ve tried it. The mod comes from NexusMods user MissileMann, who dubbed it “Grimace Mead” and gave it the “unbalanced” and “horror” tags (thanks, GamesRadar).
Belethor, a merchant in Whiterun, created a special purple brew called Grimace Mead to celebrate his friend’s birthday, and you can grab some for the low value of 170. The description simply reads “Happy Birthday Grimace!”
They also added the “not lore friendly” tag, so this is meant purely in the spirit of fun. Belethor isn’t really friends with Grimace in case you were wondering (and sorry to disappoint).
While the Grimace Shake doesn’t actually turn you into purple goo in real life, the birthday celebration quickly became a TikTok meme trend, where people posted videos of drinking it and having terrible things happen to them afterward. MissileMan declined to say what drinking the brew actually does to you in Skyrim and only responded, rather distressingly, with “Drink it :)”
The few people who drank Grimace Mead and survived to post about it on YouTube preserved the joke by not showing what actually happened. I play the Switch version, which is, sadly, modless, so you’ll just have to download Grimace Mead yourself and see what happens. If you’re brave enough.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF