New plans have been put forward for more than 100 homes to be built in a Nottinghamshire village. Altered plans have been submitted by housebuilder Avant Homes, which is looking to construct 102 houses on three large fields measuring 12.63 hectares off Nottingham Road, Radcliffe on Trent.
Outline planning permission was granted for around 200 properties, employment land, access and infrastructure to be built in August 2022. An application for reserved matters was submitted previously, but was withdrawn to address feedback received from officers and consultees and replaced with the most recent plan.
In a planning document, an Avant Homes representative explained the general layout and design have been revised to improve outlook, orientation, and building line. They added car parking had been mixed with greenery to soften the street scene's appearance.
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The housebuilder also explained a flood compensation area would be sensitively landscaped with a mown pedestrian footpath link adding further pedestrian permeability through the estate's "central green corridor". The application's designs, which detail the first stage of the development, also include a woodland play area and a public open space which can incorporate leisure facilities.
The proposal would secure jobs through the construction phase and additional funding for the council would be secured through the New Homes Bonus, Avant Homes said. A National Highways representative said the plan would not adversely impact the safe operation of the A52 trunk road nearby.
In a planning document, submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council, Avant Homes said: "It is considered, on balance and considering the substantial benefits that would be generated as a result of the proposal, that it would constitute a sustainable form of development.
"Given the above material planning considerations it has been demonstrated that on balance the planning impacts have been addressed, are outweighed by the public benefits that result from the scheme, and therefore the impacts of the proposal are made acceptable." The planning application is pending consideration by Rushcliffe Borough Council.