A new 15-home development could replace a former hotel in Wigan if plans are given the go ahead.
This will be split into 10 one bedroom affordable rent maisonettes and five two-bed rent to buy homes. Developer Jigsaw Homes wants to transform the old Stork Hotel on Kitt Green Road into a ‘small community’ with access to superfast broadband.
This would be installed by provers BT 40 days before the first occupant moves in, according to the developers.
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“Due to the compact nature and size of the site, there is little room for open public spaces,” the design and access statement said. “However, it is proposed that the space around the perimeter of the apartments and car park will have soft landscaping to offer resident amenity.

“Further to this, the buffer zones between streets and properties are designed to be attractive and encourage interaction between residents. To enforce the buffer zone along Kitt Green Road, the existing wall along the boundary is proposed to be retained.
“The communal areas and buffer zones are all overlooked by the proposed dwellings, providing passive security for both residents and their vehicles. The communal car park provides a catalyst for interaction as residents move between their vehicles and dwellings.”

The developer has undertaken a number of other similar projects in the borough and are also waiting on permission to build 26 new homes on the former Rockleigh Hotel site in Ashton. Currently no decision has been made by the council on this matter.
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