Australians are being asked to identify the scientific priorities that should drive research efforts for the next generation.
Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic wants a national conversation to determine priority areas that will deliver social, economic and environmental benefits for Australia.
National science and research priorities were last updated in 2015 and Mr Husic said it was time to put science back on the agenda.
He also wants businesses to help fund research, the bulk of which is conducted by universities.
"We need to look longer term about investing in research in this country ... and we need to look at how we can improve industry engagement," he told ABC Radio National.
Australia's chief scientist Cathy Foley has been appointed to lead the revitalisation of the nation's science priorities.
"Investing in science is investing in our future," Mr Husic said.
"Engaging with Australians is key to refreshing Australia's National Science and Research Priorities and our National Science Statement."
A discussion paper was launched on Thursday for input and Dr Foley said she wanted a wide cross-section of the community to get involved.
This includes the research and business communities, people at the cutting edge of innovation and commercialisation and Indigenous Australians.
"This is about coming up with a set of priorities that will guide science and research in the years to come, ensuring we are all pulling in the same direction," she said.
"We want to ensure we can tackle the big challenges and that means supporting a strong and energetic research sector and a real sense of collective focus."