A mother-of-five was told she had a viral infection but was later diagnosed with terminal cancer. Claire Francis battled breast cancer following a mastectomy in 2021.
Her treatment came to an end in July 2022, but less than one year later she has been told that the cancer has returned and she has days, if not months, left to live.
In February Claire fell ill, she was struggling to breathe and was concerned for her health. She went to A&E and an NHS walk-in clinic several times but each time was told it was suspected she had a viral infection.
The 38-year-old was told all of her observations were okay, and then in March, a senior professor admitted her to hospital. She underwent tests but all of them came back clear.
Eventually, she was told that her cancer had not returned and that her feeling unwell was a mystery. But one month later, a consultant wanted her to have an MRI scan, Nottinghamshire Live reports.
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On the same day as the scan, April 6, she was taken into a room and told she had three brain tumours - which were uncurable. She was told one of the tumours was crushing the nerve to her vocal cord, which was the reason why she had lost her voice.
She was moved to a hospital but it was here that she was also told she had lung cancer. After surgery to have a tracheostomy fitted to help her breathe, she said: "It should never have come to this. I went to hospital for four weeks with a viral infection and eventually they admitted me.
"They tried to tell me it was stress. I went to neurology for a second opinion, and I was told I have three brain tumours and lung cancer". She remains in hospital where she is being treated for a chest and lung infection, and fluid around her heart.
Childhood friend Sasha Karimjee said: "On April 22, they said it is not cancer. It's not returned. You are a mystery. She said, 'there must be a reason', and got a second opinion and found this".

She described Claire as "loyal, kind, caring, and a beautiful soul". "I think the whole world should know, her children are amazing.
"I have left the hospital ward in tears and they (the children) support me. I'm 40 in two weeks and I hope she makes it to my 40th," Sasha continued.
Sasha runs a fundraiser for anyone who is in need and runs the registered charity Polly's Poppadoms - named after close friend Rachel 'Polly' Pollard, who very sadly lost her battle with cancer in November 2016. Sasha raises money through her Facebook page and cooks curries in 'meal deals' to raise funds.
But with her kitchen currently out of action, she is hoping people will donate to support Claire's family through this difficult time. Donations can be made: to Polly's Poppadoms, Sort code - 30 90 89 - Account number - 46006668. A drum 'n bass body workout fundraiser is being organised by friend and fitness trainer Tonylee Brown to raise money and he can be contacted here to take part.