Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. is "doing the most," as the kids would say. On Sunday, a new music video from pro-Trump Florida rapper, Forgiato Blow, AKA Mayor of Magaville, circulated online that features Greene sitting on a variety of things while be rapped about. She sits on a throne. She sits on a fancy red car. She even stands for a bit while grinning, smirking and muttering things. "It was a blast filming this video and I'm proud of @ForgiatoBlow47's support of my Protect Children's Innocence Act," Greene said in a share of the video to Twitter. "Most rap videos exploit women, glorify drugs and violence, but Forgiato Blow's new video is about calling out the left's grooming agenda and protecting our children from genital mutilation," she furthered in a quote obtained from Newsweek.
"Search MTG On iTunes Let's Make The Liberals Cry With Another #1 Song," tweeted Blow in his own share of the video. Earlier this month, the artist topped Billboard's hip-hop charts with his song, "Boycott Target," which he recorded with fellow pro-Trump rapper Jimmy Levy in response to the retailer's Pride Month collection.
Protecting our children has to be our number one priority.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) July 16, 2023
Check out the new song, MTG, by @ForgiatoBlow47!!
Thank you for helping me promote the Protect Children’s Innocence Act!