No courtesy? No manners? No problem! According to a recent tweet, Kevin O'Leary isn't here for social graces. When it comes to a business partner's personality, what you can get away with depends on how much money you can make.
"I don't mind rude people," O'Leary tweeted on May 31. "I want people I can make money with, so if their executional abilities are good [but] they're arrogant and rude, I don't care."
It's a blunt statement and the "Shark Tank" star investor doesn't elaborate or explain what urged him to write the tweet.
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Unsurprisingly, responses to the investor's newest hot take were varied. Several people, of course, were horrified. Why would you want to do business with someone who's rude? Some of the disagreements were, ironically, pretty rude. It is Twitter, after all. But for many who said that rudeness should matter, their tone stayed polite.
"I'm the opposite," wrote one user. "If I can't stand you and the rudeness, I'll go find other opportunities. [It's] not worth the headaches."
Still, perhaps a shocking number of respondents said that O'Leary's willingness to overlook rudeness was a good business practice. Several people were quick to point out that abrupt honesty can sometimes be perceived as rudeness--and in business, you need a partner who will be honest.
A shrewd businessperson is more likely to be a shrewd speaker. And for Mr. Wonderful's followers, rudeness is subjective. Most of the commentators, however, leave the "arrogance" bit out of the conversation.
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