A Washington State motorist was fined for “negligent driving” Sunday after being pulled over in Kitsap County with most of the vehicle’s windshield covered in snow.
A photo was tweeted by Katherine Weatherwax of the Washington State Patrol, showing only the tiniest clearing in the top left portion of windshield. A thick snow blanket covers the rest of the windshield, the hood and roof.
“A trooper stopped this driver on SR 16 after the vehicle was observed to be completely covered in snow,” Weatherwax stated. “The driver received a $553 ticket for negligent driving in the 2nd degree. Please take the time to remove all snow from your vehicle before you leave the house.”
#KitsapCounty: A trooper stopped this driver on SR 16 after the vehicle was observed to be completely covered in snow. The driver received a $553 ticket for negligent driving in the 2nd degree.
Please take the time to remove all snow from your vehicle before you leave the house. pic.twitter.com/pRHAbdxc8p
— Trooper Katherine Weatherwax (@wspd8pio) December 4, 2022
Many are lax about clearing snow from their vehIcles before driving, but not to this degree.
Weatherwax said that the driver had been reported for erratic diving by other motorists and continued another 5 miles before being pulled over.
“The rear of the vehicle had just as much snow as the front,” Weatherwax told The News Tribune.
The driver’s excuse was simply that the windshield wipers weren’t working.