A real-life ghost hunter has shared the most haunted spaces in London - and it includes some very popular pubs, so your local could be on the list. Barri Ghai, 43, is a professional paranormal investigator and recently he shared a list of telltale signs of a haunting - including if you experience a sudden and unexplained drop in temperature.
Now, he's shared a list of the most haunted places in London - and it turns out there are some incredibly spooky places in the capital. From pubs to shops, there are some plenty of places that are popular with ghosts and the public alike, so have you been rubbing shoulders with an other-worldly apparition?

What do you think about Barri's list ? Let us know in the comments...
The Ten Bells Pub - 84 Commercial Street
Barri said: "Once called the Jack the Ripper, this Spitalfields pub can't get away from its gory former namesake.
"On November 9, 1888, Mary Kelly, a 25-year-old described as having 'a fair complexion, light hair and rather attractive features', left the pub before becoming Jack the Ripper's final victim.
"Her mutilated body was discovered the very next morning in Miller's Court, Dorset Street, on the opposite side of the road from where the now Ten Bells pub stands.
"More recently, a psychic medium visited the pub after further reports of paranormal activity by staff.
"She refused to enter a room on the top floor of the building claiming that something terrible had taken place in there involving the murder of a baby.
"A few years later, a researcher investigating the property discovered a bundle hidden behind the water tank in the roof space directly above that room.
"It contained old baby clothes that had appeared to have been cut with a knife.
"And, as if that's not spooky enough, ghostly activity including laughter, footsteps and crying have been reported by staff and visitors. One tenant even reported being pushed by invisible hands."

The Ragged School Museum - 46-50 Copperfield Road
Barri continued: "This former school sits in the heart of East London and is reported by many to be actively haunted. Poltergeist activity has been documented while bangs, knocks and cries have also been heard echoing throughout its walls.
"The Ragged School was set up to educate the poorest children from the East End and their treatment was incredibly harsh. In the 1860s a pandemic of cholera swept through the East End, killing 3,000 people and leaving many families devastated.
"The spirits of these children are believed to haunt the building to this day."

The Bleeding Heart Yard - 4 Bleeding Heart Yard
Barri added: "This cobbled courtyard was probably named after a 16th-century inn sign displayed on a pub called the Bleeding Heart.
"It was said that the sign depicted the heart of the Virgin Mary pierced by five swords. The history of this place is as horrific as its name suggests.
"Legend has it that the mutilated body of Lady Elizabeth Hatton was found in the middle of the stone courtyard back in 1626. She had been brutally killed and her legs strewn across the ground, but her heart was still pumping blood onto the cobbled stones.
"It was rumoured for many hundreds of years that the Devil must have done this. This gruesome incident labelled Bleeding Heart Yard as one of the most frightening places in London.
"To this day the eerie cries of Lady Elizabeth Hatton asking for help are sometimes heard by those brave enough to venture there alone at night."

50 Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London
Barri continued: "Often considered the most haunted house in London with inexplicable deaths and devilish happenings.
"Many of its former residents and guests have either mysteriously died in the house or gone insane. So many, in fact, that it was at one point made exempt from Council Tax.
"The attic room of the house is said to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who died by suicide by throwing herself from a top-floor window after being abused by her uncle, with her tormented soul said to be capable of frightening people to death.
"Various eyewitness accounts claim to have seen her ghostly white figure or a strange brown mist.

"A child believed to have been murdered by a servant and the ghost of a young man, allegedly locked up there and fed through a hole in the door until he eventually succumbed to madness and death, are also said to lurk in the attic's rafters.
"Over the years brave or foolish men have attempted to spend the night in the attic room of the house but they have either left frantically, gone mad, been found dead or died by suicide years later due to their terrifying ordeals."
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Barri, who also hosts Discovery's 'Help! My House is Haunted', has teamed up with The Longon Dungeon to run a brand-new seasonal show set in the spine-chilling attic of 50 Berkeley Square - one of London's most haunted venues.
A London Dungeon spokesperson said: "Where better to enjoy Halloween than at a show about a haunted house, taking place in a haunted attraction. We have stories going back years from visitors and staff of unexplained incidents, mysterious silhouettes and chills descending.
"We've had technicians building sets refusing to set foot back in rooms due to feelings of dread or set pieces constantly breaking.
"As the Home of Halloween, we can't wait for guests to see our new show. We're going bigger and better than ever before with even more frights and scares designed to leave your underwear as clean as the abandoned 50 Berkeley Square attic - filthy! See you there, if you dare…"
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