Breakout stars of the computer animated "Despicable Me" franchise, the Minions are back with their second feature film, which recounts the rise of villain Gru. Critic Lisa Nesselson and her own group of toy Minions are unanimous in their enjoyment of its puns, Italian-accented gibberish, and unbridled silliness.
Lisa also tells us about "Ennio", a documentary by Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore celebrating the life of his friend and collaborator, composer Ennio Morricone. Morricone was the man behind some of cinema’s most iconic music, like the pan flute notes that set the scene for spaghetti western standoffs. Next, we head to Iraqi Kurdistan for the latest film from writer and director Hiner Saleem. "Goodnight Soldier" tells the story of a young couple faced with multiple obstacles – first, their feuding families, then a combat wound that raises questions of virility. Finally, we take a look at the eerie offerings of a retrospective of British film noirs showing at the Cinémathèque in Paris.