Michael Parkinson will be remembered for many things (Obituary, 17 August), but being one of the founding signatories of the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s reminds us that he stood on the right side of history.
Keith Flett
Tottenham, London
• Like Roald Dahl (Letters, 13 August), EM Forster predicted the rise of AI and technology in his 1909 short story The Machine Stops, which I read with a year 11 class in the early 1980s. “How fanciful and unlikely,” we decided.
Margaret Harris
Isleworth, London
• As a Labour party member, I’m confused. According to Rachel Reeves, the £1.3bn needed to end the two-child benefit cap would be unaffordable, but Keir Starmer is calling for an extra bank holiday should the Lionesses win on Sunday, with an estimated cost of £2.9bn (Report, 17 August).
Richard Price
Leyton, London
• Re Eccles cakes and dead flies (Letters, 16 August), a delicacy in Scotland used to be “flies’ graveyards”: apple, currants and raisins between two layers of pastry.
Harry D Watson
• Looking at the photo of A-level results celebrations (Report, 17 August), students are not jumping as high as they used to.
Toby Wood
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.