The protection of culture and tradition of tribal people is need of the hour, former IAS officer Chinna Veera Bhadrudu said, while delivering the key note address on ‘Tribal Knowledge System’ in a meeting organised in the Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh on Sunday.
“The tribes in the country have a history of 25,000 years and their knowledge is a treasure trove,” he said.
University Vice-Chancellor T.V. Kattimani said that the university was putting in efforts to preserve the knowledge acquired by the tribes in a systematic way with the support of experts and academicians.
“Issues pertaining to tribal people were given a priority while finalising the National Education Policy,” said Mr. Kattimani, who is also member of the National Education Policy.
Former Vice-Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University Mohammad Miyan was also present in the meeting.