Warner Bros. Pictures Animation has announced that the beloved Animal Planet series, Meerkat Manor, is set to receive an animated adaptation. The feature is currently in early development and will be produced by The Green Room production banner, led by Seth Green and Tracy Falco. The original producers of the show, Caroline Hawkins and Clare Birks of Oxford Scientific, will serve as executive producers for the project.
Originally airing on Animal Planet from 2005 to 2008, Meerkat Manor followed the adventures of a meerkat family known as The Whiskers in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The show quickly gained popularity worldwide, earning Emmy nominations and becoming one of Animal Planet's most-watched programs.
Warner Bros. plans to bring the meerkats to life through photoreal animation, drawing inspiration from the success of films like Happy Feet. Meerkat Manor creator Caroline Hawkins expressed her excitement about the project, highlighting the enduring appeal of these charismatic animals.
The Green Room production team shared their belief that the heartwarming and entertaining story of Meerkat Manor, with its blend of drama, emotion, and humor, will captivate audiences of all ages.
This new animated adaptation marks a significant milestone for the iconic series, which first began as a wildlife soap opera in a London basement two decades ago. The move to Hollywood stardom is a testament to the timeless charm of meerkats and their ability to connect with viewers on a deep level.