Marvel Animation has selected Matthew Chauncey to write the third season of the popular X-Men '97 series on Disney+. This decision comes after Chauncey's previous work as a writer on Marvel's What If…? animated series for Disney+. He will be taking over writing responsibilities from Beau DeMayo, who was let go by Marvel just before the debut of X-Men '97 on Disney+.
Chauncey will be collaborating with Jake Castorena, the series director since its first season. Additionally, the original X-Men: The Animated Series executive producers Larry Houston and Eric and Julia Lewald will continue as consulting producers for X-Men '97.
X-Men '97 has garnered critical acclaim, achieving Marvel's first 100 percent Fresh Rotten Tomatoes score since the inception of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show's success has led to the decision to bring Chauncey on board for the upcoming season.
Chauncey's experience as a writer on What If…? has prepared him well for this new role. He has been promoted to head writer for the third season of What If…?, replacing A.C. Bradley. However, a release date for the new season has not yet been announced.
The news of Chauncey's hiring was first reported by Deadline, solidifying his position as a key contributor to Marvel's animated projects moving forward.