Namor’s appearance in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has been a long time coming. Ever since T’Challa’s first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his longtime rival Namor has been in the conversation too. His history in Marvel Comics is long, predating most of the Avengers, so he seemed like a shoo-in for a big-screen appearance. Fans are expecting actor Tenoch Huerta to take on the role, and it’s looking increasingly likely.
But just how will he factor into the mysterious story of Black Panther 2? A new leak suggests we’ll see his history and the history of his people, another ancient and secret society.
A leak from Twitter user @cinestealth suggests Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will contain a flashback sequence showing Namor the Sub-Mariner’s people in a fight against conquistadors during the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. According to the leak, the city he reigns over will be called Tlālōcān, but is also referred to as Atlantis.
Tlālōcān comes from Aztec mythology, and the word is used to describe a paradise. Essentially, it’s the equivalent of Valhalla or Mount Olympus. The leak also describes an appearance by the god Tepeyollotlin, which maybe a variant spelling of Tepēyōllōtl, the Aztec deity of caves, earthquakes, and echoes. Tepēyōllōtl takes the form of a jaguar, and it’s stated in the leak Namor will don a jaguar headdress and gain the ability to fly.
Introducing gods and mythology to the MCU isn’t new, but the addition of Aztec narratives adds an Indigenous perspective. Previously, our only glimpse of Indigenous peoples were the Eternals scenes set in the Amazon rainforest.
Namor’s role in Black Panther 2 is still unclear beyond this flashback leak, but given how he has a history of battling his fellow secret civilization in the comics (at one point he floods Wakanda), it’s likely he’ll take on an antagonistic role. However, there’s one more wrinkle in the leak.

There’s also claims of an appearance by Attuma, one of Namor’s biggest rivals. The leak says “His costume is really cool and his helmet is made from the skull / bones of a shark,” and supposedly he has light blue skin like in the comics.
Could Namor actually be calling on the Wakandans for help with his own fight, or will they side with Attuma? It’s a bit confusing now, but this mess of anti-heroes and rivals will definitely make for an interesting blockbuster once the movie hits screens. Namor’s a shady character; he could be good, he could be bad. Either way, he’s going to be great to watch.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever premieres in theaters November 11, 2022.