Martin Lewis has urged parents to avoid an expensive Christmas to avoid getting into debt.
“Christmas is one day. Do not ruin your lives for Christmas,” the money saving expert told viewers of his new programme The Martin Lewis Money Show Live.
Earlier, Mr Lewis issued a stark Black Friday warning to shoppers preparing to pile their baskets high with heavily discounted items in the pre-Christmas sales.
“This is my Black Friday memo...” he wrote on Twitter, alongside an image of a post-it note emblazoned with the advice: “If you were going to buy it anyway and it’s half price, you’ve saved 50 per cent. If you weren’t going to buy it, but do because it’s half price you’ve wasted 100 per cent.”
The annual consumer event is derived from the post-Thanksgiving US tradition. It often marks one of the busiest shopping days of the year, and sparks vehement criticism for its encouragement of over-consumption and potential to inflict severe environmental damage.