After battling with mental health struggles, one man from Mansfield has launched his own clothing line. The clothing line, created this year, has a growing number of followers on social media.
Alex Crawshaw, 33 and from Mansfield, is currently studying sports science and work online providing exercise therapy. His clothing brand is called ‘Styring', the name originates from the student's ancestor Styrbjorn who was a famous Viking.
Alex, who attended the Manor comprehensive school in Mansfield Woodhouse, has spoken out about his inspiration for his clothing brand. He said: “I have just launched the clothing brand and decided to make gym and casual wear to promote mental health awareness and provide funds to support my goals of providing free online exercise therapy and personal training for individuals with mental illness.
“My passion for weight-training and mental health is the inspiration for my clothing range and encourages all individuals to get physically active to benefit their mental and physical health.” Alex’s non-profit clothing brand now sponsors the football team Ashland Rovers in Nottinghamshire to support mental health awareness. The Ashland Rovers are based in Kirby-In-Ashfield.
Styring sells T-shirts for £25 and hoodies for £35. The brand also sells leggings and jogging bottoms, the clothing brand is risk free as products are drop-shipped. Speaking out about his mental health, Alex said: “I have schizophrenia which is these days under control thanks to medication and I have taken numerous antipsychotic medications over the years but the best combination has been amisulpride and quetiapine for me.
“I have received a lot of support from the NHS over the years. I currently see a psychologist once a week and receive support every day.” When Alex is struggling mentally now, he finds music therapeutic and his family have also been very supportive.
Along with his clothing brand, Alex, who has a post-graduate diploma in healthcare and a foundation degree in healthcare, will be providing therapy exercises for individuals who are suffering with their mental illness. Alex said: “I'm not a counsellor or psychotherapist but use counselling skills in my exercise therapy, I have a level 3 in personal training and I'm starting a Doctorate in public health in September.
“I'm currently studying sports science which should be finished in the next few months. My exercise therapy concentrates on developing rational thinking and enabling self-acceptance, I use sports psychology techniques and concentrate on strength training to boost mental health.
“I have had individuals very interested in our exercise therapy and I have helped quite a lot of people so far. My following on social media is growing and I have had positive feedback. I have received funding from the Mansfield District council to provide mental health football groups and will be applying for more funding in the future to provide sports and exercise classes for individuals with mental illness in Nottingham."
In the future, Alex hopes to provide online therapy for those in need and to get others into exercise. He said: “My aim is to continue providing online exercise therapy and personal training to help prevent mental illness and support individuals with mental illness. I wish to eventually use the profits to create a mental health-friendly gym and provide sports and exercise groups in Nottinghamshire at first and then expand. I hope I can eventually employ people with mental illness and provide peer support.”
John Dawn, chairman of the Ashland Rover, said: "As chairman of Ashland Rovers FC, I was delighted when Alex approached me. We are more than aware of the issues relating to mental health & are pleased to team up with Styring to help promote mental health awareness."