READERS who missed our 16-page Manniefest special edition can now catch up with the top articles featured inside on our website – scroll down to the bottom of this article for a full list.
We published a bumper edition on Saturday to mark the main day of the Golspie event in the shadow of the Duke of Sutherland statue known as the Mannie.
It was edited by Lesley Riddoch, produced by Yes Highlands and Islands and supported by the Scottish Independence Foundation – in collaboration with The National.
The supplement set out a vision for the Highlands and Islands in an independent Scotland, with articles from a wide range of contributors.
National deputy editor Stewart Ward said: “Lesley and the Manniefest team, along with Yes Highlands and Islands, pulled together a fantastic set of contributors."
All of the articles will have the paywall gate removed so that they are free to read, even if you have already exceeded your monthly number of free articles.
Ward added: “Our paywall model helps us stay sustainable as a paper – but we know some articles need to be widely read to advance the cause.
“It’s the support of our subscribers and loyal readers that allows us to do this, and to run projects such as the Manniefest supplement. If you’d like to support our efforts, please consider trying out a digital subscription after reading some of these articles – we have a 30-day free trial right now.”
Click HERE for more information on our special offer.
Below are the articles you can find online:
- George Gunn reflecting on the dilemma of the statue
- Lynda Baird setting out the link between colonialism and statues
- Angus MacNeil making the case for undersea tunnels
- Lesley Riddoch explaining why Eigg is a vision for the future
- Max Wiszniewski of Revive calling for reform around grouse moors
- Graeme McCormick arguing for an Annual Ground Floor and Roof Rent
- Iain Bruce reimagining the future of an empty glen
- Ian Sinclair setting out how Caithness can power Scotland's future
- Dr Keith Baker detailing a plan to tackle fuel poverty
- Highlands and Islands Yessers explaining how independence could help their area
- Martainn Mac A' Bhaillidh writing on the survive of the Gaelic language
- Hugh Dan MacLennan looking to shinty's future
- Alf Baird on why a container port could put Scotland centre stage
- Hector MacLeod telling of the housing crisis on Skye
- Michael Russell stressing the Highlands and Islands' potential