James Black fears he could be living next to the United Kingdom's biggest puddle. He says he measured the puddle at 100m long.
The puddle has reportedly formed several times since James moved into his Cheltenham home in Gloucestershire two years ago. Speaking to GloucestershireLive, he said: "Living opposite means me and my family are frequently drenched on leaving home. I have a one-year-old and it’s frankly unacceptable."
James said the “monster” puddle forms after moderate or heavy rainfall and takes up 50% of the road, meaning vehicles splash water onto the pavement as they drive through it. He said it had even splashed up to his front door.
James says he has spoken with Gloucestershire County Council’s highways department about the matter, which he said affected other residents in the road. The stretch affected is close to the main entrance to Cheltenham Town Football Club.
He said: “In 2021 highways refused to believe there was any issue at all. They are now engaging, but they are chronically slow and I have little confidence they will rectify the issue.”

He said the council’s workers had been out to the site to see about clearing blocked gullies but the problem remained. As well as being an issue for him and his neighbours, James felt it did not reflect well on the town because away fans visiting the club’s stadium might have seen the puddle.
He added: “It takes three days to recede. I’ve never seen a puddle 100m long, ever.”
Gloucestershire County Council has been approached for comment.