In a segment of "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday, the host weighed-in on special counsel Robert Hur’s report that was released this week, in which the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney determined that President Biden “willfully” stored classified documents after his time as vice president, but would not face charges in the probe — depicting him as a forgetful old man.
Going into this, Maher said that Hur's report basically made Biden look like Mr. Magoo, and that the hundreds of pages slamming Biden's memory may as well have been signed off with, "I'm Donald Trump, and I approve this message."
Agreeing with the report to a degree by saying that "Joe is not helping his own cause," Maher kicked off the segment saying, "A bunch of things happened this week. He's not doing the traditional Super Bowl interview . . . we're not asking him to go on 'Dancing With The Stars.' Later adding, "First he mixed up French President Macron with former President Mitterrand, who died in 1996. Then he mixed up Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, with the late Helmut Kohl." He ends with a joke about Biden saying, "This is all a big nothing, I just wanna watch the Super Bowl and enjoy the halftime show with Toby Keith."
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