The first time I saw Liam Doran's Mini, my mouth dropped to the ground. I'd been scrolling Instagram (Like and Subscribe, folks) and this manic little car came screaming into view, shredding tires, and...pulling wheelies. What?
"How, why, how, yes!" All were valid thoughts and things that came out of my mouth as I watched the Reel over and over again. And then I dove deep, as you do whenever you come across something as psychotic as this Mini and, folks, it's even wilder than you think.
Not only is this "Mini" proper race-spec stuff, but instead of just a single Suzuki Hayabusa engine, Doran threw two into the back and just lost his damn mind with the build. He essentially made an 11,000 rpm V8 and we most definitely approve.
The pair of 'Busa engines are linked together by a X C Worx twin-drive box that links twin four-speed gearboxes. That's a wild sentence to write, for sure, but has to be a wild thing to try and drive, too.
The whole thing is a tube-frame monster built for autograss racing in the U.K., as well as putting on insane stunt shows like you've now probably seen all over the interwebs. To that end, the power output from this 1,300-pound psychopath allows the Mini to pull wheelies essentially whenever Liam puts his foot down.
Out of corners? Yes. On straights? Oh yeah. Already going insanely fast? Why not.
There's so much more to this build, too, like the pair of engines receiving working over from DM Racing, the wheels and tires, and custom suspension setup that allow the Mini to lift its front wheels whenever Liam gets in the mood.
But this isn't just a go-fast, pop-wheelies machine. Doran's recently brought it over to the States and did all manner of insanity along the Glamis dunes in California. There, he fitted the Mini with both off-road UTV tires AND sand tires to shred harder than most will ever shred there.
There's just one question I still have after losing a good chunk of my day to watching Doran's Reels: Can I have a go?