Lueker reminded Council members a transfer of monies from the City General Fund has gone to make up the difference for street light costs in years past. Final action is expected the end of this month
Lexington City Council is moving ahead with setting property tax rates in a variety of funds. The consideration Tuesday included more discussion than in recent years.
As tradition has it, the Urban County Council sets in motion property tax rates the first meeting after its summer break. So it was Tuesday at City Hall. Most years there’s little discussion because property values increase but not tax rates. Council is prepared this summer to up the property tax levy for street lights, refuse, and street cleaning. Tenth District Council Member Dave Sevigny.
“You’re trying to make our funds balance and you’re trying to make the people pay for the service that have the service of street lights…versus making the entire population pay for the service of street lights that they may not be getting,” said Sevigny.
Council Member Fred Brown cast one of the no votes. He asked Budget Director Melissa Lueker about it.
“So you’re recommending a four million dollar increase in the urban services fund and two million dollars of that is attributable to street lights which has been running on average two million dollars….yeah I know I voted the last time for a street light increase, but I’m not voting for it this time,” said Brown.
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