Grain export
One hopes that a compromise will be worked out between the leaders of Russia, Turkey, the European Union and UN officials at the G-20 summit as far as the Black Sea Grain Initiative is concerned. A breakthrough will give a fillip to India’s image as a global peacemaker.
Nalini Vijayaraghavan,
The real meaning
The comment by a DMK Minister that the ideologies of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ are ‘oppressive’ and the practices based on them should be ‘eradicated’, appears to violate his oath of office. The utterance has resulted in political controversy, which has spread nationally. The truth is that the whole episode could have been avoided. The Minister appears to be ignorant about what ‘Sanatana Dharma’ is.
P.R.V. Raja,
Pandalam, Kerala
Truth, peace, love and tolerance constitute the base and walls of ‘Sanatana Dharma’. In multi-religious India, people of different faiths agree with the truth of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ and express the same truth in their styles.
R. Pichumani,
Thippirajapuram, Tamil Nadu
It is unfortunate that some in the political class have not understood the real meaning of the concept. Translated in English, it quite simply means ‘eternal duty or ‘way of living’. It propagates basic values in an individual such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, purity, goodwill, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint and generosity. The Minister should appreciate the good things and traits postulated and not have castigated it the way he has done.
Gopalaswamy J.,
There are some in the political class who clearly do not seem to understand the actual meaning of the word. It is a way of life — an eternal, righteous way for better coexistence of all living creatures (“Shanno astu Dwipade sham Chatushpade” — let auspiciousness prevail upon two-legged (humans) and four-legged ones. Further, it means that “there is no religion higher than truth”. The name Bhaarata also signifies this philosophy of ‘Sanatana Dharma’, emphasising the secularism of the Constitution. Therefore, the many ignorant people (politicians) must understand that ‘Sanatana Dharma’ is real secularism (not a religion).
V.P. Dhananjayan,