In the early 1990s Stacy Marking taught part time on BA and HND media production courses at Farnborough College of Technology, Hampshire. It was fortunate in having a purpose-built TV studio, control room and post-production suite, and as head of the department I made a point of attracting people with experience of the TV world to impart technical skills to students.
Stacy raised the expectations of those who were not straight As or from secure and cultured homes. Great fun and a professional, she was authentic – the real thing – and assumed that all her students would be too with her help. It rubbed off on them and they surprised themselves.
Phelim Brady
Stacy Marking spent a good part of her pregnancy with her daughter, Havana, in Charing Cross hospital. At the time it was situated in central London, just off the Strand, opposite Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, House. When she was feeling particularly frustrated with the intransigent Rhodesian prime minister, Ian Smith, she wrote “Smith Out” on a sheet and hung it out of the window.
Melanie Hewitt