A landlady is waging war against coke-snorting drinkers blighting her boozer.
Judy Boulton issued the warning in a notice left inside the men's toilets, saying: "Whoever keeps putting empty 'coke' bags behind the toilet f*** them off. I'm on to you. Judy."
The notice comes just weeks after Judy took on the Market Place venue in the hope of returning it to its former glory. The notice was still present in the toilets on Sunday afternoon, although Judy says it has now been removed, StokeonTrentLive reports.
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Now Judy has vowed to hand lifetime bans to any drinkers caught doing drugs in her pub, the New Inn, Stoke-on-Trent.
She said: "We found a couple of empty bags. We do not want people doing drugs in our pub.
"I have a zero-tolerance approach to drugs. I have done all the training courses and got all the certificates.
"I do not want people taking drugs in here. That is why I am on top of it. If I catch anyone doing drugs in this pub they will be banned for life and I will assist the police in any prosecution."

Judy has managed a host of pubs across the city in the last 12 years.
Speaking to StokeonTrentLive in December, she said: "The New Inn has been run by several people in the last couple of years. The regulars do not know if they are coming or going.
"I have had my licence for 12 years and worked in bars for 30 years. I am hoping to be here for a while.
"We get a mixed crowd in here, the young lads and the older ones. I am excited about being in Burslem for the first time."
The pub is open from midday to midnight Monday to Saturday and midday to 10.30pm on Sundays.