An ordinary day turned extraordinary for Raju Gond, a debt-ridden laborer in central India, when he unearthed a 19.22-carat diamond valued at almost $100,000. Gond, who typically earns around $4 a day, was digging for gold in a government-owned plot of land in Madhya Pradesh when he made the serendipitous discovery.
Upon finding the diamond, Gond's heart raced as he cleaned the dirt off the stone, revealing its dazzling brilliance. Excitedly, he shared the news with his younger brother Rakesh, and together they rushed home to inform their family. The diamond was later evaluated by an official examiner and confirmed to be a white diamond of significant value.
Notably, the region of Panna where Gond made his find is renowned for its rich diamond reserves, with previous discoveries including a 54.55-carat diamond in 1961 and a 42-carat diamond in 2018. The government leases shallow mines to families for diamond exploration, with a percentage of any find going to the government as royalty.
For Gond, the discovery marks a turning point in his family's fortunes. With plans to pay off debts, invest in education for his children, build homes, purchase land, and potentially acquire a tractor, Gond is eager for the life-changing impact of the diamond to unfold.
Despite the newfound wealth, Gond remains humble and determined, returning to the mine with his brother in search of more diamonds. Their story serves as a testament to the transformative power of unexpected fortune and hard work in the face of adversity.