Senada Greca has been in great shape for some time now, but she’s been making more waves ever since she signed on Kim Kardashian as a client. She’s been whipping Kim into shape, but she still has plenty of time to work on her own physique. Sometimes, though, it seems she’s down for some multitasking as she recently went into full beast mode in a bikini. She's following in the footsteps of the likes of Salma Hayek, and yes, she has my attention.
Other than the sheer chutzpah of working out in a bikini, which strikes me as an easy way to have an epic wardrobe malfunction, one thing that is nice about seeing Greca work out in swimwear is her form is very clear and very precise. She’s not phoning it in, or hiding behind baggy tees or joggers, and every move she’s making is swift, effective, and close to perfect. It's hard to believe she's been trolled online over these workout videos.
It helps that some of these exercises are easily feasible in a bikini. That no weight RDL into high knee is totally doable as long as you have good balance, no matter what you are wearing. Then again, some of those jumping-related exercises – particularly those rotational squat jumps – look much harder to be doing without a serious sports bra. It doesn't seem to be stopping her in the slightest, however. In fact, in case you needed more workout ideas, what about abs by the pool?
The whole point of these videos is there are plenty of exercises that can be done on vacation when there is downtime, which I do think is a good reminder, though shoutout if you can actually manage those poolside L-sits or those pseudo planche push ups. Talk about goals. I don’t even know if my arms bend correctly for that last one.
Now, this might just be a “light” vacation workout, but jokes aside, since Kim Kardashian started working with Senada Greca back in January, she’s given some hints about her workout routines and they are pretty serious. She’s mentioned the two work out together 5-6 days a week when they can, and Kim has shared exercises she’s been working on, including banded squats with 40 lb weights, goblet squats with raised heels (which she said she “hates” but she’s “scared” of Senada so she does them anyway) and more.
The Kardashians is currently airing new episodes as part of the 2023 TV schedule, for those of you with a Hulu subscription. The spotlight's been on Kourtney and Kim feuding, but amidst the drama perhaps we’ll see more from Kim’s fitness journey in the future. Either way, we’ll doubtless see more from the two online in the coming months. So if you want to find new and interesting ways to torture yourself in the name of getting shredded, definitely give both ladies a follow.
Personally, I think I’ll probably always be the girl at the gym throwing on old high school athletic tees to work out in, but I think if there is anything I take from these inspirational posts, it’s that yes, Virginia, you can work out on vacation.