Look, man. Being on the internet is hard. We all get that — especially these days when it is so easy to spread fake information out there.
I mean, Twitter has gotten to the point where verification only means that you’ve paid the company. Literally, anyone can be verified at this point whether they’re a source of note.
With that in mind, it’s easy to fall for a Twitter troll and think that it’s real news. But, come on, Kendrick Perkins. Man. Again, my guy?
Perkins fell for a hilarious Twitter joke about Jonathan Kuminga. A random Twitter account tweeted out a fake quote from Warriors’ guard Moses Moody saying that his teammate, Kuminga, had grown to be over 7 feet tall.
Moses Moody on Jonathan Kuminga having another growth spurt this past year:
“I’m not lying… he’s tall as f*** now.”
The 19 yr old Kuminga arrived in the Bay at only 6’7
20 yr old Kuminga now rumored to be 7’0 👀 pic.twitter.com/22lMOm24lJ
— Rackzz… -Offseason- 😴 (@Rackzz206) June 18, 2023
To add onto that, though — and to give Perkins a bit of a break — Warriors vet Andre Iguodala also chipped in on the joke. He said he’d just seen Kuminga and that the forward was actually 7-foot-2 now.
I just saw JK. He 7’2
— andre (@andre) June 19, 2023
Y’all. Jonathan Kuminga is not 7-foot-2 now. Considering the fact that we’d just seen Kuminga a month or so ago in the playoffs, this would have to be one mean growth spurt in the span of a few weeks.
But there’s not even really any need to take this that seriously. This is very obviously a troll. It’s a pretty good one, too.
Kendrick Perkins didn’t get the message, though. He really went on national television and said that he’d seen “reports” saying that Kuminga was 7 feet tall.
Kendrick Perkins fell for the viral Twitter joke that 6'7" Jonathan Kuminga has sprouted to 7'2". 💀 pic.twitter.com/frW5W9gLTx
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) June 21, 2023
“From reports, I’m hearing that Jonathan Kuminga is now 7-2. The kid has gotten better every season. He has a nice skillset, his athleticism is through the roof.”
Reports, Kendrick? Reports? We all saw the same tweets, my guy. Tweets are not reports. You’ve been bamboozled, I fear. This is unfortunate.
He eventually found out that he’d been duped by Twitter. And, like the rest of us, he is in a love-hate relationship with the app. Again, unfortunate.
I hate this damn app🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/oYPImLP15p
— Kendrick Perkins (@KendrickPerkins) June 21, 2023
You hate to see it. This isn’t Perkins’ first rodeo, though. He’s been fooled before. Remember that time he sourced a report from Ballsack Sports on the relationship between Kyrie Irving and James Harden? That was a great time. Well, it was for us. Probably not for Perk, though.