Well said, Yvette Cooper (The Tories betrayed the Windrush victims – we will stand by them, 22 June) – it’s high time that the victims of this scandal were properly compensated and justice delivered to those who are alive. Will Labour then turn its attention to the victims of the Chagos scandal, who similarly await justice, reparation and compensation for their decades of unlawful exile and suffering? Every government since Harold Wilson’s (who made the deal with the US government under which Chagossian islanders were expelled from their homeland in the 1970s) has failed them. Will Keir Starmer’s be the first to do the right thing by the Chagossians? Make that promise and he’ll have my vote.
Peri Batliwala
• What we need is a root and branch rejection of the “hostile environment” and a fundamental change in attitudes to make old Commonwealth immigrants more welcome in a country they have always know as home. Perhaps restoring full British citizenship to anachronistically named British overseas citizens would be a start.
Guru Singh
Shepshed, Leicestershire
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